
The Preferred Notary Public in the West Island

Petit & Toussi Notaries

We are the trusted notary public in the West Island that can help you deal with all matters concerning estate, deeds, loans and mortgages. Whether you need a notary affidavit, to prepare a legal document or simply to consult our notary public, we’ve got the required qualifications to assist you.

Petit & Toussi Notaries 

Specializes in different fields of law in order to help West Island residents authenticate their important transactions and documents. We provide notary services that ensure your needs are taken care of and your expectations are met. Whatever the matter at hand, we provide you with all the details so that you can make the best suitable decision. 

We deal with legal affairs thoroughly and in a timely manner

While we are mostly essential for notarized documents, our expertise is also valuable during the process of big transactions before signing any document. Whether it’s about a purchase or sale of real estate or legal issues with your loans and mortgages, our notaries will be of great assistance!

Entrust your legal documents to the preferred notary public in the West Island

 Contact us to schedule a consultation at the notary office or from the comfort of your home!

Come and see us for your invitation letters, solemn declarations, certify true copies of your original deeds , help you with your promise to purchase plus for many other services.

Madeleine Petit

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